Thursday, June 25, 2015

Ludlow to Weston

Wednesday's walk was shorter by design than the others and seemed like a piece of cake. We were transported from the Combes Family Inn to the starting point, the Weson Priory. We took a quick look at the chapel and as the gift shop was closed, started on our way along a back road into the Village of Weston. The day was beautiful, the best of the trip. We followed the road through the trees, past lovely landscaped cottages. We did run into more road construction, this time a backhoe shaping the drainage on the edge on the road. We had one touchy situation with a dog guarding the road on front of it's property, by we soon left it behind.

The best part of this section was going into town where there was a waterway alongside a park with little waterfalls and arched bridges, and even stone benches for a weary traveler.

As we entered town, we immediately came upon the shops, incluDing the famous Vermont Country Story. We shopped for a bit than stopped for lunch at the Bryant Houst Restaurant. After a little more shopping we continued on our walk to the Colonial Inn. Some nice views presented themselves, and there were some nice photo ops.

The final stretch of the walk was alone a busier road, but we completed or walk in good time, Patti looking for more. -Mike


  1. Love the recap. Also, you guys have different writing style which gives somewhat of a different and enjoyable perspective. Glad the weather has improved. Looks like today should be a nice one as well.

  2. The Vermont Country Store is a required stop every time we visit my brother and sister-in-law in Castleton, VT. What a cool store! It sounds like you are having a great time. I love reading the daily recaps.
