Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Half a day off

We awakened to a dark and humid day that quickly turned stormy....and the extended outlook was not promising. The weather map showed a long line of thunder storms headed our way that were not predicted to clear until 6 or 7 PM. That was a bit disheartening. At breakfast the first of the storms broke with impressive lightening and thunder. That really took the wind from our walking sails. After looking at the map and really not wanting to give up the opportunity for at least some walking, we decided to have the inn keeper drop us at the 1/2 way point and take a chance. 

We got caught in 1 or 2 light showers and then the sun came out....and stayed out. Once we reached the next inn, the weather forecast had completely changed and all of the predicted rain moved off to the south. We could have walked the entire route after all. Oh well. We're sitting and relaxing on the porch of The Combes Family Inn; this evening's accommodations. I guess a little extra rest is never a bad idea!

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