Sunday, May 24, 2015

The beginning

Mike and I are really excited about our Inn-to-Inn walking tour in Vermont this June! We thought that starting a little blog about it would be the best way to share our adventure with our friends and family. We expect to walk about 10 miles a day and know that we'll start out with a solid breakfast from each Inn and have a wonderful dinner at the next Inn at the end of the day. I know that I'll feel less guilty about indulging in all of this wonderful Inn food if I've put in some good exercise during the day. We're actually training for all of this walking and carefully planning things like appropriate shoes (bring ing plenty of options) and clothes. We've both picked out walking shoes and sandals that we're testing to be sure that we can use them for several miles of walking without blisters and other issues. This weekend (May 23 & 24) we've walked a total of 20 miles: 12 on Saturday and 8 on Sunday. I'm doing OK, but Mike discovered a poor sock choice (if you can believe that!) from developing some blisters. Ah well, live and learn.

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